Promoting Zimbabwe’s Music Industry in the Digital Age: A UNESCO-National Arts Council of Zimbabwe Initiative!

In a world increasingly driven by digital technology, the music industry is undergoing a profound transformation. Recognizing the challenges and opportunities that this transformation presents, UNESCO and the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe (NACZ) have partnered to launch the SeHlukene/Kusiyana-siyana programme. This initiative aims to promote Zimbabwe’s vibrant music sector in the digital space, empowering music industry professionals and practitioners to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of music production, distribution, and consumption.
At the heart of the SeHlukene/Kusiyana-siyana programme lies the Open Roadmap, a flexible framework developed by UNESCO to guide the implementation of the 2005 Convention for the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in the digital environment. The Open Roadmap provides concrete reference activities designed to safeguard the means of creation, production, dissemination, access, and exchange of cultural goods and services amidst rapid technological advancements.
To assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) posed by the digital environment to Zimbabwe’s music industry, UNESCO, NACZ, and the Republic of France commissioned a baseline study conducted by Sound Diplomacy. The findings of this comprehensive study will be presented during a two-day National Workshop, or “Indaba,” held in Harare, Zimbabwe, on November 27 and 28, 2023.
The Indaba will serve as a platform for music industry professionals and practitioners to engage with the baseline study’s findings and chart a way forward for Zimbabwe’s music sector in the digital age. In addition to the study presentation, the Indaba will feature engaging workshops, panels, and capacity-building sessions designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the digital music landscape.
The Embassy of the United States of America in Harare is also lending its support to the Indaba by facilitating the participation of a culture professional from the USA in one of the workshop sessions. This collaboration underscores the international commitment to fostering a vibrant and sustainable music industry in Zimbabwe.
The SeHlukene/Kusiyana-siyana programme, guided by the Open Roadmap and informed by the baseline study, represents a significant step towards empowering Zimbabwe’s music sector to embrace the opportunities presented by the digital age. Through collaborative efforts, the programme aims to ensure that Zimbabwe’s rich musical heritage continues to flourish in the digital realm, reaching new audiences and contributing to the country’s cultural and economic growth.